To Tie My Tubes or Not To Tie My Tubes

My decision to tie my Tubes


I just had my post partum checkup which went very well except that I had to fight to get my surgery scheduled to tie my tubes or in doctor terms tubal ligation. The visit started out wonderfully. One of the OBs in the practice came in and we chatted about how I was feeling physically and emotionally. I was cleared from post partum depression though I do suffer from general depression, I am attempting to forgo medication until I am done pumping to feed Evelynne because the medication I need/use is one that isn’t on the approved list for breast milk. Then, I was cleared to exercise (this is what I am most excited about!) and to have sex again (not that with current events I am looking to get into this again). Then came the birth control chat….

The OB started out asking if I had an idea of what I wanted for birth control, which I explained that I was supposed to get my tubes tied in the hospital but they were understaffed (being New Years Day) so they couldn’t do it without me basically starving until they could fit me in. I was starving and needed water while breastfeeding so that was a no and I opted for this to be done at another time. She then proceeded to ask about my husband getting a vastectomy which I said he wanted to get one done as well as my tubes being tied. This where it went down hill….

She couldn’t understand why we would both want sterilization done especially since mine was a surgery. I tried to explain to her that it is my personal preference after having 2 preemies and 2 difficult pregnancies that landed me on bed rest for months. I didn’t want to repeat any risks of getting pregnant again. She went on about other forms of birth control like IUDs or repeating about letting my husband get a vasectomy….

Again, I repeated my wishes that I wanted my tubes tied not to be put on another birth control. So again, the OB asked if that was really what I wanted and AGAIN suggested I just let my husband get the vasectomy. At this point, I was biting my tongue because I really wanted to flip out. Seriously, I should have just starved and died of dehydration in the hospital and had the procedure done…

Instead, I calmly explained that I wanted to tie my tubes for my own form of birth control because you never know what will happen in the future and there is no guarantee that a marriage or relationship will last forever. No I was not going to go into the details of my marriage that is holding on by a thread but that was the gistĀ of the situation. The look on her face was speechless. When she found her words she went on to ask if I wanted to wait to see in the future if I wanted it done. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME????

I flat-out told her that the only thing I will consider is getting my tubes tied. She finally gave in and went over my options for the procedure. I picked the single, larger incision that removes both tubes. This procedure is one that reduces the risk of ovarian cancer, which female cancers run in my family, so anything to reduce my risk is a benefit to me. With my extreme anemia, we decided on waiting to perform the surgery until after my next hemotologist appointment in March to find out if I will need iron infusions beforehand. My surgery will be April 17th!

If I was younger or only had 1 child, I could see doubting my decision to go through with tying my tubes BUT I am 36 years old and have had 4 children. I am not looking to put my body through anymore torture of a pregnancy since pregnancy and my body do NOT get along. April 17th feels like a far off date being that it is only January but it will be here before I know it… now I just hope that the baby will be sleeping for more than 2-3 hours overnight so my recovery won’t be as painful.


DIY Postpartum Padsicle

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Being a DIY mom about to give birth, I knew I had to make myself Padsicles before Evelynne blessed our world. I am sure some of you are wondering…. what is a Padsicle and why do I need them after I give birth?

A Padsicle is a pad with aloe, witch hazel and lavender essential oil on pad and then kept in the freezer. The Padsicle is a must have after a vaginal birth because it helps to soothe the “ring of fire” or the burning sensation from stretching, possibly tearing your vagina after a vaginal birth. As tiny as these babies look after birth, while a mom is trying to push one out…. it hurts and burns for days, sometimes weeks after the birth! The Padsicle is a great way to soothe the pain and sit a little more comfortable after birth.

Step 1: Gather your supplies- Aloe Vera Gel, Witch Hazel, Lavender Essential Oil and Pads (I prefer long ones with wings for after birth)

Step 1

Step 2: Open the pad up but do NOT throw out any part of the wrapper


Step 3: Squirt Aloe Vera on the pad. Does not need to be very much.

Photo Dec 10, 12 56 10 PM

Step 4: Carefully add a few drops of witch hazel on the Pad. A squirt/spray bottle would work better than my attempt at carefully pouring the bottle.


Step 5: Add a couple of drops of Lavender Oil on the pad.


Step 6: Rewrap the pad and place 8 in a large ziploc bag. Place the bag in the freezer until you are ready to use them.

Photo Dec 10, 12 56 27 PM

The Padsicles were great for my post partum healing and I hope these will help other women after they give birth so please share this post with a pregnant woman you know.
