Messy Bun Hats

Photo Nov 29, 7 31 28 PM

It is that time of year again…. Winter! Which means you need to keep warm while staying stylish and the Messy Bun Hat is your answer to this winter weather problem.

I create the Messy Bun Hats from a super soft and think acrylic yarn because I just am not a fan of how itchy wool can be on your head and skin. It brings back nightmares as a kid where I would want to just keep scratching my head after wearing a wool hat which just made my hair super static-y.

When you have long hair, hats can be difficult to wear because you end up with a big lump on the top of your head and it stretches the hat out of proportion. The Messy Bun Hat is created with an elastic hair tie which allows the hair to be free and stretches over different thickness of hair which is a great thing for the winter.

I offer the Messy Bun Hat in child small, child large, teen/adult small and adult large. There is an assorted variety of colors to choose from plus I always welcome custom requests for different colors and sizes.

The Messy Bun Hat makes a wonderful gift for yourself or others! You can find the Messy Bun Hat in my Kaella Boutique shop by following any of the links or clicking the photo.