DIY Postpartum Padsicle

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Being a DIY mom about to give birth, I knew I had to make myself Padsicles before Evelynne blessed our world. I am sure some of you are wondering…. what is a Padsicle and why do I need them after I give birth?

A Padsicle is a pad with aloe, witch hazel and lavender essential oil on pad and then kept in the freezer. The Padsicle is a must have after a vaginal birth because it helps to soothe the “ring of fire” or the burning sensation from stretching, possibly tearing your vagina after a vaginal birth. As tiny as these babies look after birth, while a mom is trying to push one out…. it hurts and burns for days, sometimes weeks after the birth! The Padsicle is a great way to soothe the pain and sit a little more comfortable after birth.

Step 1: Gather your supplies- Aloe Vera Gel, Witch Hazel, Lavender Essential Oil and Pads (I prefer long ones with wings for after birth)

Step 1

Step 2: Open the pad up but do NOT throw out any part of the wrapper


Step 3: Squirt Aloe Vera on the pad. Does not need to be very much.

Photo Dec 10, 12 56 10 PM

Step 4: Carefully add a few drops of witch hazel on the Pad. A squirt/spray bottle would work better than my attempt at carefully pouring the bottle.


Step 5: Add a couple of drops of Lavender Oil on the pad.


Step 6: Rewrap the pad and place 8 in a large ziploc bag. Place the bag in the freezer until you are ready to use them.

Photo Dec 10, 12 56 27 PM

The Padsicles were great for my post partum healing and I hope these will help other women after they give birth so please share this post with a pregnant woman you know.


6 thoughts on “DIY Postpartum Padsicle

  1. This is such a soothing idea I can feel the relief right now just from reading it. I used something similar when I’ve given birth in the past since I had episiotomies (third degree), and tears. Curiously, my fourth birth which wasn’t in the hospital, but was a water birth in a home like birth center, was tear and episiotomy free.

  2. Great idea and I’m sure saves a lot of money! Iv seen the sprays they have for postpartum but this is great as it serves 2 purposes, assuming this also helps with the bleeding right?

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