Time Out Tuesday

Time Out Tuesday

With the start of the school year for both Danyella and I, life has become so overwhelming that I feel like my brain is just spinning out of control. For the remainder of September, I am taking Tuesdays off from blogging so that I can get myself on a schedule with school, pregnancy and life. Starting Tuesday, October 3rd, I will be starting Teach Me Tuesday with DIY projects for the upcoming holidays for adults and kids to make the holiday season fun.


3 thoughts on “Time Out Tuesday

  1. I think it is great that you are finding time to give yourself a break. Those are very important and something that I am working on incorporating into my schedule as well. I love the holidays, so I am looking forward to seeing what great DIY activities you will share.

      1. I love doing projects like that. I remember one Christmas we made stockings and cut out snowflakes, Christmas trees, and made snowmen, then we hung them on the window. We had so much fun! SoI can’t wait to see what wonderful ideas you come up with!

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