Vegetables of My Labor


After months of starting some of these plants from just seeds and other plants from baby plants (not sure what the technically term is), it has been amazing to see the vegetables and flowers growing into beautiful creations. Don’t get me wrong, things have not been perfect with my plants but to see just some stuff be edible is an exciting accomplishment for me.

We have been able to enjoy butter lettuce for salads, cucumbers with ranch dressing which the baby is loving, red and yellow (orange) cherry tomatoes and beans. Well to be honest Danyella is the one enjoying the tomatoes and beans because I am not a real fan of eating them raw. We have so many tomatoes ready to just ripen but the cucumbers are starting to grow fewer. We are still waiting for our squash for grow bigger and the peppers to start growing bigger. Just seeing these vegetables grow and be edible has been the biggest accomplishment I have had in so long.Photo Aug 01, 2 18 20 PM

On the down side, I have had to start many of my herbs over again because I let them basically drown because I bought the cute ceramic pots from Targer. The thing with the adorable pots that I didn’t realize was they had no holes to drain which was crucial when trying not to kill your plants. So I have started the herbs over from seeds and waiting for them to sprout up. I got rid of my bok choy because it was growing faster then I could use it and honestly I just got bored with it.

It is so funny, in the past, I would never even realize people had any type of garden in their yards but now I see them everywhere. I am so inspired to plant more for the fall, which I am researching what I can plant to produce for the fall. The ideas I have for next year are already in the works too!

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