Let’s start a Fabulous Friday trend

It’s Friday and for most people the best day of the week, for myself it’s the start of a busy work weekend but…. not this weekend!! I am jumping for joy that this weekend I only work lunch today and lunch Sunday which also means I get to watch the Super Bowl!!! (I just want to see the Patriots lose!) With an exciting weekend ahead, I think we should all start trending #fabulousfriday and let the world know something positive you have going on for your weekend!

My #fabulousfriday trending idea is really an inspiration from all the positivity work that I have been focusing on the past couple of weeks now. Every morning, instead of listening to music or djs, my daughter and I have been listening to audio books to enhance the positivity in our lives. (Much to my daughter’s unhappiness because she loves and relates to music) 

Part of my decision to turn off the radio and listen to audiobooks to help my daughter learn to love herself now at almost 10 and avoid the pains I have gone through for 35 years to learn to love myself as an adult. I know the quote “misery loves company” applies to my daughter and I because she has fed off of my bad moods lately. If you ask my daughter how she is, she will respond with something negative, like she is tired (her fav) or she is bored or she doesn’t feel good. So it’s time to not only change myself but change how my daughter perceives herself and her life.

This week has been The Secret which I have listened to 100s of times over the past year and each time something different sinks in. Listening to The Secret this week has been focusing on gratitude and being grateful for the small things in my life that otherwise I take advantage of every other day. I want to find at least one thing, everyday, to be grateful for and share it with the world so that the Universe knows that I am not taking it for granted and love everything and everyone in my life.

Here is to a #fabulousfriday and amazing weekend for myself and everyone of you! Go to whatever social media is your favorite and tell the world about your #fabulousfriday 

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